Game to travel throughout the space while learning and discovering the hidden secrets of the most dangerous space missions.
A personal project with the aim of making an interactive game for students in primary and secondary school who are learning natural sciences. Intended as a support for students and a tool for teachers.
Type: UX/UI / Interaction Design
Tools: Illustrator, XD
App Web
This game in web application format offers several interactive possibilities.
The main feature is a quiz with questions about planets, stars, and order celestial objects. The questions are punctuated differently.
Besides that, there is a navigation menu where the names of the main elements that make up the known universe are gathered. By clicking on each of the names interesting information about the selected item will appear on the screen.
This compact web app is designed to be simple but useful as an extra tool whether for teachers or students to help them while approaching this topic.
Design guide:
– Font-family: Poppins: Sans serif typography easy to read – AlphaCentaury for CTAs: A reminder to science fiction.
-Pictures: Provided by Google images + Unsplash
A trip inside the schools
In many schools and educational centers, technology still has to become a usual thing. Many teachers continue to use traditional methods and shy away from the use of technological tools.
Perhaps, applications like this one that maintains the simple essence of traditional methods but, on the other hand, is more attractive to students, would make a smoother transition into a technological normality, offering advantages and benefits for students, teachers, and students’s parents.
To the infinity and beyond
Education and training is essential part for students to reach whatever goal they dream about. Giving them all possible tools is betting for a better future for everybody and that’s why I consider very interesting the pedagogical field. I think is a discipline full of possibilities that we, UX Designers, could explore way more.